Friday, May 2, 2008

How many flights does Southwest fly a day?

Dear Bauerschlag Bear that asked this question,

As of December 31, 2007, Southwest had 520 planes in operation with new ones being delivered monthly. If you visit (the link is below) and click on Watch our latest bird take flight, you can view a video of our newest plane taking shape. I hope you enjoy!


bearbear said...

dear mr. Hale
Are you away from home alot due to travel.

Smitty!!! said...

yay that was my question!

chris L. <(^_^<)

Smitty!!! said...

cool vid..

chris L

azncheesepuff said...

that was a pretty cool vid.

kun =D=D=D=D=D

FISHY!!! <++++<