Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Congratulations Bears!

I wanted to take the time to congratulate each one of you for working hard and learning your states and capitals. I look forward to our pizza party on Friday and your graduation ceremony!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hello Again Flying Bears!

Thank you for your comments and apologies! I will be back on Wednesday so have your states memorized!!

Now to answer some of the questions that yoU guys have been asking.

What is my favorite place to fly?

Well, I love to fly to San Diego. The weather is wonderful out there and the city is amazing. Last year I had several overnights there that were long and enjoyed myself very much.

Are the trips I post my real trips?

Yes. I actually fly these trips while I am away from home. It is very exhausting to fly so much in one day. Have any of you ever flown some where and been really tired once you got there? Imagine flying to 4 or 5 different cities a day for three days in a row! Whew...exhausting!

How do I take pictures from the plane?

I take them the same way you take pictures of any type. The only difference is the type of window that I have to take the picture through. So, I try to use a different lense on my camera to get a really good picture. I will try to get a picture on my next trip since I don't have my camera with me this time!

REMEMBER have your ties ready for me on Wednesday so that I can send them in to be judge and hopefully one of you will win this year! Be creative and have fun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Week Ahead!

Here is my schedule for my next trip, which begins on Thursday, May 15th and ends Saturday, May 17th.

Day One:

1400 - 1500 HOUSTON to DALLAS (239 miles)
1525 - 1625 DALLAS to LUBBOCK (293 miles)
1650 - 1755 LUBBOCK to DALLAS (293 miles)
1820 - 2005 DALLAS to BIRMINGHAM (587 miles)

Day Two:

1500 - 1550 BIRMINGHAM to NASHVILLE (177 miles)
1635 - 2040 NASHVILLE to ONTARIO (1751 miles)
2110 - 2225 ONTARIO to SACRAMENTO (389 miles)
2250 - 0035 SACRAMENTO to SEATTLE (605 miles)

Day Three:

1515 - 1725 SEATTLE to OAKLAND (671 miles)
1750 - 2140 OAKLAND to HOUSTON (1642 miles)

Since I won't be in the classroom next week, here are some questions/problems that you can answer. The first person to turn in all the correct answers will receive a prize when I return! HAVE FUN and GOOD LUCK!

What time does each day begin (using a 12 hour clock) and what time does each day end?

How long did I fly each day?

List all the time zones that I went through each day.

Name all the states that I visited each day.

I know that not all the Student Flight Plan booklets had all the information on the tables, so I put the milage for each "leg" on my schedule. How many miles did I fly each day (that's easy, huh?)? Now, how many miles did I fly, on average, each day?

Have a great weekend and I will see you May 28th!

OH - don't forget to have your ties ready to turn in on the 28th so we can submit them to Southwest! Have fun and be very creative!

Let's Do Some Math Again

As I come into an airport, we are usually at cruise altitude. A typical problem that I do is…if I am at 37,000 feet and the airport elevation is 2,300 msl (msl = mean sea level), I have to plan a descent based on descending 1,000 feet for every 2 ½ miles (remember a nautical mile is 6,000 feet). How many miles out would I have to start my descent at this particular airport.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Day Two of My Trip

Today I begin my trip at 1335 and end my day at 2205. Can you tell me how long I am working? I visit 5 cities today and here are your hints:

City #1

- discovered in 1829 by Spanish explorers
- located in 1st state to legalize casino gambling
- Western Airlines was the 1st commercial airline flight to this city
- the Hoover Dam construction began in 1931 in Black Canyon
- located in the Pacific time zone

City #2

- founded in 1847 by Mormon pioneers
- capital of it's home state
- host to the 2002 Winter Olympics
- located in the Mountain time zone

City #3

- founded in 1706 by Spanish explorers
- located in the Chihuahuan Desert
- located along its states longest river, the Rio Grande
- hosts the worlds largest hot air balloon fiesta each October
- located in the Mountain time zone

City #4

- founded in 1814
- incorporated on February 2, 1856
- headquarters are located for Soutwest Airlines here
- 9th largest city in the United States

City #5

- named after Saint Anthony of Pactua
- 7th most populated city in the USA
- home of the Spurs
- The Alamo is located here

Now, can anyone tell me how many miles I flew today?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm Off Again!

I am heading out for another trip. Below you will find some interesting facts about each city that I will visit. Post your comment to name all the cities and how far I flew for the entire day! GOOD LUCK!

City #1

- founded in 1718
- know as "The Crescent City"
- famous for Bourban Street and The French Quarter
- Mardi Gras is held here every year in February

City #2

- founded on August 30, 1836
- incorporated as a city on June 5, 1837
- 4th largest city in the United States
- named after General Sam Houston

City #3

- incorporated as a city on February 25, 1881
- state capital
- 5th largest city in the United States
- home of the NBA team the Suns
- located in the Mountain time zone

City #4

- founded by four families on September 4, 1781
- incorporated on April 4, 1850
- home of Disneyland
- famous for Sunset Blvd

Now don't forget to tell me how many miles that I flew today and all the cities that I have seen!!!!

Here it is...Math Question Number Two...Second Week

A 737 flies approximately 455 Nautical miles/ hour. One nm=6000 feet. If we go from Houston to Los Angeles, using the back of your workbooks, how long should the flight take?

If you have a tail wind of 100 nm/hr, how long would the flight take then? (remember does a tailwind make the airplane go faster or slower)

If we were driving a car at an average speed of 60 mph (this is measured statute miles which equals 5280 feet), how long would it take you to travel the same distance?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Where is our Southwest pilot on May 4th?

Day day of my trip! I will get to visit three more wonderful and exciting cities today before ending my trip at home in Houston. My day begins at 1325 and ends at 2245. many hours will I be traveling today? How many miles will I fly? Well, lets take a look at how the day will progress...

I will arrive at my first destination at 1500 and will remain on the ground for 50 minutes. Now, I don't just sit and wait for passengers to get on and off the plane, I am working most of the time getting ready for the next "leg" of my trip. There are many things involved in flying this big bird! Anyway, lets take a look at our first stop....

City #1

-incorporated as a city in 1875
-nicknames: "The City Beautiful" and "O-Town"
-home of the NBA team, Magic, the WNBA team, Miracle, and the AFL team, Predators
-most well known for the tourist attractions of Walt Disney World Resort, Sea World, and Universal Resort
-located in the Eastern time zone

My next desitination will take me North but I will remain in the same time zone. I takeoff at 1550 and land at 1830.

City #2

-the only major US city to look South to Canada
-nicknames include: "Motor City" and "Motown"
-home of the nations oldest state fair, which was first held in 1849
-residents of this city consume the largest amount of potato chips in the world
-home of the NFL team, Lions, the NBA team, Pistons, the MLB team, Tigers, the AFL team, Fury, the WNBA team, Shock, and the NHL team, Red Wings
-located in the Eastern time zone

The third "leg," before I head home to Houston, will take me South-West. I will takeoff at 1855 and land at 2025.

City #3

-founded in 1764
-named after King Louis IX of France
-nicknames include: "Gateway City" or "Mound City"
-the 1st successful parachute jump from a moving airplane happened hre in 1912
-in 1904, iced tea was invented at the worlds fair, which was held in this city
-home of the MLB team, Cardinals, the NFL team, Rams, and the NHL team, Blues
-located in the Central time zone

Once I depart my last destination at 2045, I will be heading back home to Houston. I will land at 2245 and then drive home. Can you name all the states that I visited today? How many miles did I fly? How many hours was I in the air? And finally, how many miles did I fly during my entire 3 day trip?

I can't wait to get your answers to all my questions! Also, ask any questions that you would like to know and I will do my best to answer them for you.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where in the world is our pilot on May 3rd?

Day two....I am taking off at 1130 for my first "leg" of the trip. I will be landing in the first of 4 cities at 1250. How long will I be in the air? Again, I want YOU to tell me where I am by the hints that I am about to give you.

City #1

-incorporated as a city on February 25, 1881
-state capital
-5th largest city in the United States
-home of the NBA team the Suns
-located in the Mountain time zone

I begin the second "leg" of my trip at 1315 and land at 1525 in the second city of the day. Can you tell me how long we were on the ground?

City #2

-founded on November 29, 1777
-served as a farming community to support the Spanish military
-served as the states 1st capital
-10th largest city in the USA
-home of the NHL teal the Sharks
-located in the Pacific time zone

The third "leg" of my day begins at 1555 and ends in the third city at 1715. I am still in the same time zone but a little furtherer East. I visited this city on day one. Can you tell me where I am?

The last "leg" of the day begins at 1740 and ends at 2205. How many hours was I in the air today? How many miles did I fly today?

City #4

-state capital
-known as the "city of Oaks"
-birth place of our 17th president, can anyone name him?
-home of the NHL team, the Hurricanes
-located in the Eastern time zone

Final question, can you name all the states that I landed in today?

Good Morning Flying Bears....

Good morning Bears...Hope everyone had a great week at school. Have some fun this weekend (you deserve it)! Do not forget to study your states when you have some free time...First sixteen for this coming Wednesday. I know you can do it! I just got to my second city on my trip a little while ago..2305 central time...hmmm. (What time is that on a twelve hour clock) Hint: 3:00pm is 1500 on a 24 hour clock. Wish I had some pictures to show you...but it was a little dark. (What city am I in?) I will try to get some tomorrow and post them Saturday evening. Have a wonderful weekend and keep up the great questions. After talking to a few people I believe I am correct in saying we have about 3400 flights a day at Southwest Airlines...I will try to check that number with a few other sources.

Talk to all of you soon,

First Officer: Byron Hale

Friday, May 2, 2008

How many flights does Southwest fly a day?

Dear Bauerschlag Bear that asked this question,

As of December 31, 2007, Southwest had 520 planes in operation with new ones being delivered monthly. If you visit (the link is below) and click on Watch our latest bird take flight, you can view a video of our newest plane taking shape. I hope you enjoy!

Where in the world is our pilot on May 2nd?

I will be off to fly the friendly skies beginning Friday, May 02, 2008.

My first flight of the day takes off at 1515 and lands at 1835 (central time). Can you tell me what time I takeoff and what time I land? How long is my flight?

I will be visiting two cities on my first day of flying. Below are some facts about each city and a hint of where they are located. I want YOU to tell me where I am!

City #1

-discovered in 1829 by Spanish explorers
-located in 1st state to legalize casino gambling
-Western Airlines was the 1st commercial airline flight to this city
-the Hoover Dam construction began in 1931 in Black Canyon
-located in the Pacific time zone

The second "leg" of my flight takes off at 2140 and lands at 2305. Can you tell what time I take off and what time I land? How long are we in the air?

City #2

-founded in 1706 by Spanish explorers
-located in the Chihuahuan Desert
-located along its states longest river, the Rio Grande
-hosts the worlds largest hot air balloon fiesta each October
-located in the Mountain time zone

Can you now tell me what states that I visited today? What part of the country am I in (North, South, East or West)?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Flying to Alaska

Kun (Mrs. Ford's class): The airlines that I know that fly to Alaska are Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines.

Thanks for the question!

Why are there not more non-stop flights out of Houston?

Andrew: Because unlike other airlines, Southwest Airlines operates on a point-to-point system. This means that we go from one city to another city picking up passengers that all want to go to the same destination. Kind of like a school bus route. Some airlines work on a hub-and-spoke system. This is as it sounds, like a bicycle, where that all flights come to the same airport (hub) and then go to their final destinations (spoke). Southwest has determined that it is more finacially effective to operate on a point-to-point system.

Thanks for the great question.

How many flight do I fly a year?

GREAT question!

As a commercial pilot, I am governed by the Federal Aviation rules which allow me to fly 1,000 hours per year or 100 hours per month. This can translate to an average flight being 2 hours, which is approximately 500 flights per year/per pilot.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Andrew S and Kailyn (Mrs. Ford's class):

You both asked why Southwest doesn't fly into certain cities/states. The reason for this is due to competition with other airlines. Southwest Airlines does extensive research prior to going into a new city to determine if that city would be profitable for the company. Some cities that we don't go to now, we might go to in the future due to the everchanging airline industry.

Oh, and once Southwest begins to fly to Hawaii, I'll be the first pilot with my surf board and swimsuit...ready to fly!

Let's get ready for some math!

Okay, here is the math problem that we talked about today. REMEMBER: the first person to turn the correct answer into Mrs. Ford from each class will get a prize next week!

A 737 uses approximately 2,400 lbs of fuel per engine (there are 2 engines per plane), per hour. If 1 gallon of jet fuel weighs 6.7 lbs, how many gallons of fuel would we need on a 3 1/2 hour flight?

Monday, April 28, 2008

A View From Above

One of Southwest's dedicated customers passed these picture on to us to share with you (thanks, Mrs. Gabbert)! These wonderful pictures were taken on her trip to Chicago recently. Can you tell what type of clouds these are?

Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Time to Begin!

We will begin our classroom fun on Wednesday, April 30, 2008. I can't wait to meet each one of you and share our time together. I will be leaving on a trip, Friday, May 2nd, and will travel for 3 days. I will see several cities and fly many miles across the country. Look for my schedule to post so you can see where I am each day and find out some interesting facts about each city I will visit. See you on Wednesday!